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Charity Program

The team at FIXEDGEAR.TV/FGTV firmly believe in the community spirit of helping and supporting our friends, extended families, and strangers, who share our same passion towards urban cycling!

We have a Charity Program in place, which means not only will our suppliers and our independent company benefit from the sale of the products, but also we aim to help others in the process. 

When you purchase any product from our online shop, a portion of the profit (around 10% usually) will go towards Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund*.

Let's lend our hand to the messengers who need our support!!!

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Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund#に寄付させて頂きます。


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*About Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund.
"The Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund is a 501 c3 non profit public charity organization that provides emergency compensation to bicycle messengers who are hurt on the job. Currently the BMEF allocates a US$500 emergency cheque to help messengers anywhere in the world during the first week of injury. This provides a boost, to both the financial and the mental/emotional state of the injured messenger. The goal is to help the injured cope and recover. Please donate today to help support our mission. "

#Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fundとは?
Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund仕事中に怪我をしたメッセンジャーへの緊急補償を提供する営利公的慈善団体(501 c3)です現在BMEFは世界中のメッセンジャーに傷害を受けた最初の1週間手助けするためにUS$500のチェックを緊急費用と割り当てます。これは負傷メッセンジャー精神/感情の状態高め金銭面のサポートを提供しています。目標は、負傷者対処し、回復の支援することです使命を支援するために今日寄付してください"